Skagit River System Cooperative, 2005. Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan: Appendix G: Excerpts from the Governor’s “Extinction is Not An Option”. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 2.

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The Governor’s Extinction is not an Option document outlines the current state of environmental regulations concerning fish habitat and water quality on private agricultural lands in Washington State. It acknowledges the existence of several regulatory programs such as the Hydraulic … Continued

Skagit River System Cooperative, 2005. Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan: Appendix F: Excerps from Management Recommendations for Washington’s Priority Habitats. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 3.

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Agricultural activities may contribute significantly to riparian and instream habitat degradation locally and across the landscape. A shift from conventional to sustainable agricultural practices would reduce or eliminate impacts to riparian and aquatic habitats and their fish and wildlife communities. … Continued

Skagit River System Cooperative, 2005. Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan: Appendix E: Intensively Monitored Watershed Plan. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 17.

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Chinook salmon depend critically on estuarine habitats during their juvenile stage as they prepare for migration to the ocean. Historically, these habitats, including tidal deltas and nearshore lagoons, have been vital for their growth and survival. However, widespread conversion of … Continued

Skagit River System Cooperative, 2005. Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan: Appendix C: Linking Freshwater Rearing Habitat to Skagit Chinook Salmon Recovery. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 24.

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The life history strategies of Chinook salmon in the Skagit River basin illustrate diverse approaches to rearing in freshwater habitats before migrating to the marine environment. These strategies are crucial for the survival and reproductive success of the species, offering … Continued