Sobocinski, K., 2004. A comparison of tidally influenced salt marshes using a bioenergetics model for Chinook salmon. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. pp. 19.

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Estuarine habitats are essential nursery grounds for outmigrating juvenile Pacific salmonids (Oncorynchus spp.), specifically those with an ocean-type life-history strategy (Simenstad et al 1982). The Skagit River system in northern Puget Sound, Washington is unique in that it supports all … Continued

Slater, G., 2004. Waterbird abundance and habitat use in estuarine and agricultural habitats of the Skagit and Stillaguamish River deltas. Ecostudies Institute, Mount Vernon, WA. pp. 95.

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Coastal estuarine wetlands, with their integrated complement of tidal, nontidal, and riverine wetland habitats, are reservoirs for significant amounts of biodiversity in North America. Driven mostly by hydrological forces, these connected heterogeneous wetlands perform many valuable ecosystem functions and services, … Continued

Beamer, E.M. and Larsen K., 2004. The Importance of Skagit Delta Habitat on the Growth of Wild Ocean-type Chinook in Skagit Bay – Implications for Delta Restoration. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 6.

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Ongoing research conducted by the Skagit River System Cooperative1 observes a density dependent relationship occurring within the Skagit delta on wild ocean type Chinook. The finding provides a solid basis for advocating delta restoration, especially considering the history of approximately … Continued

Marks, D., Olis, M. and Wyman, K., 2004. An Evaluation of the Skagit Basin Coho SSHIAP-LFA Database and an Assessment of the DNR Last Fish Water Type Map. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 7.

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Recent changes to Forest Practices Regulations (Forests and Fish Report 1997) spawned out of concerns of inadequate protections to fish resources and pending Endangered Species Act (ESA) listings of local salmon stocks have led to the development of a potential … Continued

Hood, W.G., 2004. Likely Scaling of Basin Area with some Marine Riparian Zone Functions in Proceedings of the DFO-PSAT Sponsored Marine Riparian Experts Workship, Tsawwassen, BC. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 3.

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The marine riparian zone (MRZ) provides a variety of ecological functions (Levings and Jamieson 2001). Many of them involve movement of material from the terrestrial system to the marine system, and much of this movement is mediated through the flow … Continued

Hood, W.G., 2004. Indirect Environmental Effects of Dikes on Estuarine Tidal Channels – Thinking Outside of the Dike for Habitat Restoration and Monitoring. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 10.

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Diking of estuarine wetlands and tidal channels to reduce or eliminate tidal influence has been an extensive practice throughout the United States (Roman et al. 1984; Niering 1997). Conversion of areas landward of dikes to agricultural or other uses results … Continued

Beamer, E., McBride, A. and Henderson, R., 2004. Lone Tree Pocket Estuary Restoration 2004 Fish Sampling and Pre-restoration Project Monitoring Report. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 13.

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The primary objective for the Lone Tree Creek and Lagoon Pocket Estuary project is to increase the size and ecological capacity of the Lone Tree pocket estuary by restoring tidal hydrology to the historic lagoon and freshwater hydrology and sediment … Continued