This technical memorandum summarizes the monitoring activities from February to September
2022, under WDFW contract number 21-18843. This includes Leque Island and surrounding
areas but excludes the separate project in North Leque Island. Fish capture, (Henrichs et al
2021), study design rational and water level, vegetation, and channel monitoring methods
(Henrichs et al 2020) have already been previously described. As such, in this technical memo,
we focus on results from the 2022 monitoring season. After a brief description of data analysis
methods, this technical report summarizes the second year of post-project monitoring of fish use
and water parameters in the restoration area and associated reference areas as well as vegetation
and channel development monitoring.
Henrichs, B., 2022. Leque 3rd-year Post-Tidal Marsh Fish Monitoring Report. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 11.
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