In 2019, pre-restoration fish sampling was conducted following methods of the Leque Island
Restoration Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan (Henrichs et al. 2020). From this effort,
we caught 108,954 individual fish representing 12 species between March and July within the
restoration area. Three spine sticklebacks dominated the catch within the restoration area while
reference sites had a more diverse fish community. We documented juvenile chum salmon in the
planned restoration area that was likely attributed to a faulty tide gate. Juvenile chum salmon
were not observed after the tide gate was repaired in April 2019. Conditions within the
restoration area seemed to be inaccessible to estuarine fishes once the tide gate was repaired and
later in the season tended to have temperature and dissolved oxygen and water temperatures
might be unsuitable for salmon rearing in its current state.
Henrichs, B., LeMoine, M. and Beamer, E., 2021. Leque Island 2019 Pre-Restoration Fish Monitoring Technical Report. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 16.
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Technical Reports