Skagit River System Cooperative, 2005. Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan: Appendix H: Skagit Recovery Goals. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA. pp. 5.

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At our meeting on August 1, we agreed to recommend using the May 25, 2001 EDT outputs as the best estimates of productivity and capacity of Skagit adult chinook under PFC conditions. This is because our analyses now indicate that the EDT Current adult parameters are very close to those estimated for recent years, and the EDT Historic production levels, at long-term average marine survival rates, are not out of line with historic estimates derived from the NMFS status review. Comparisons between EDT estimates and observed adult recruitment values are given below. A key factor in our agreement is the observed summer/fall adult recruitment numbers. In my previous comparisons between EDT and adult recruitment (memo of August 29, 2000; email attachment sent February 2, 2001), I used, as the Skagit summer/fall chinook recruitments, the values listed in the second PFMC Overfishing Report. For some years, these numbers, which were derived from the CTC chinook model, differed significantly from your CWT-derived recruitment estimates, which I had used to develop the Skagit chinook management objectives in Comprehensive Chinook. We agreed that the CWT-derived numbers are likely to be more accurate estimates of Skagit summer/fall chinook recruitment than the CTC model numbers.

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