The Skagit River System Cooperative (SRSC) is governed by a six member Board of Directors. Our member tribes, the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe and Swinomish Tribe, each appoint three individuals to serve on the Board of Directors. The board elects a member to hold the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer. The Board ensures SRSC follows and adheres to goals, policies and directives of the member tribes.

Our Board of Directors are:

Fred Cayou, Board Chair- Swinomish Tribal Representative
Michael Wolten, Vice Chair- Sauk-Suiattle Tribal Representative
Scott Morris, Secretary- Sauk-Suiattle Tribal Representative
Allen Price, Sauk-Suiattle Tribal Representative
Brian Porter, Swinomish Tribal Representative
Tandy Wilbur, Swinomish Tribal Representative

Administrative functions such as accounting, payroll, human resources, grant and contract administration, office management, etc., are the responsibility of the Administrative Department.

The Administrative Department is comprised of:
Brenda Ibarra, Finance & Administrative Manager
Janette Crume-Centeno, Administrative Assistant
Brad Whitley, Accountant
Leah Yang, Accounting Specialist
Lolly Titherington, Accounting Clerk

Skagit River System Cooperative granting agencies include, but are not limited to:
Department of Interior-Bureau of Indian Affairs
U.S. Forest Service
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
State of Washington
Recreation and Conservation Office/Salmon Recovery Funding Board
Department of Ecology
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Department of Natural Resources
Seattle City Light
Pacific Salmon Commission
The Nature Conservancy

In Memoriam: Todd Allyn Wilbur, 1959-2014